Special Holiday Lessons
Holidays are special times of the year to not only enjoy celebrations, but to use as unique opportunities to present special lessons to the children that relate in some way to those holidays. This gives both you and the children a chance to break from the normal routine of your class and do something more fun. Our inventory in this area is a little thin, so we recommend that you check out the Curriculum and Cool Website pages of our resource menu tab to find more helpful materials for the holidays that you and your children love to celebrate. You may especially want to have a look at what CEF Press has to offer since they publish several Seasonal and Party Club lessons which give a ton of ideas on how to turn the entire class hour into a party-like celebration that is built around a lesson related to the holiday.
Matthew 2:1-12
Luke 1:26-56; 2:1-20; Matthew 1:18-25
Power Point or Visuals
Review Game
Memory Verse
1 Timothy 1:17
Luke 2:11
Matthew 26:17-28:10
Matthew 26:31-27:31
John 20:1-16
Power Point or Visuals
Review Game
Memory Verse
John 3:16
Isaiah 53:5
1 Corinthians 15:3,4
Click Bible Lessons if you'd like to see a lot more lessons and review games!