Teaching Spiritual Lessons with Everyday Objects
One of the effective teaching methods that Jesus used was using everyday objects to illustrate the truths He wanted to pass on. He used yeast to teach how quick and thorough bad teaching spreads and affects all who are around it (Matthew 16:6-12). He also used water to illustrate the need to be cleansed of your sins (John 13:4-10). Many have found it helpful to use such objects in teaching children in order to more effectively keep their interest, as well as enable them to remember the truth much longer. Whenever they see that object again, they will remember the concept you taught. We encourage you to prepare several of these short ten-minute lessons and be ready to give one when you need to share the Gospel with unsaved children . . . or emphasize a helpful truth for Christian growth.
The first section below will give you an overview of how you can prepare these lessons (for those of you who are new to object lessons). You'll also find a lesson plan form that you can use to prepare your own object lessons, along with a list of "seed thoughts" on possible objects to use for future lessons. The second section on this page contains actual object lessons that you can teach.
The first section below will give you an overview of how you can prepare these lessons (for those of you who are new to object lessons). You'll also find a lesson plan form that you can use to prepare your own object lessons, along with a list of "seed thoughts" on possible objects to use for future lessons. The second section on this page contains actual object lessons that you can teach.
Guidelines for Teaching Lessons from Everyday Objects
Notes on Teaching Object Lessons
Audio Files
Audio: Using Object Lessons
Video Files