Word Puzzles
Since students only tend to remember 10% of what they hear from their teacher, you should be motivated to look for ways to get your students thinking about the lesson after your class ends. If you can do this, research says students will remember up to 70%. Word puzzles are a great way to make this happen.
We've listed some puzzles below to help get you started, but there are many Cool Websites that do a great job in providing free printable puzzles that you can use in your class. Please check these out, and if you find that your students enjoy getting their minds active doing these, then you may want to check into finding a free or inexpensive puzzle generator online.
We've listed some puzzles below to help get you started, but there are many Cool Websites that do a great job in providing free printable puzzles that you can use in your class. Please check these out, and if you find that your students enjoy getting their minds active doing these, then you may want to check into finding a free or inexpensive puzzle generator online.